Society of Biblical Literature kitaplar, bölümlerde indir

Büyük yayıncılar, mümkün olduğunca çok sayıda okuyucunun yakın zamanda yayınlanan yeni kitaplar hakkında bilgi sahibi olması için birçok şey yapmaktadır. Her yazar, çalışmalarını dünya çapında farklı dillerde dağıtmak için Society of Biblical Literature gibi büyük ve güçlü yayıncılarla işbirliği yapmak istiyor. Yayıncı ne kadar çok bilinirse, bu durumda Society of Biblical Literature , kesinlikle herhangi bir tür veya kategoride yazabilecek olan daha hızlı ünlü yazarlar veya yeni gelenler akın eder: Din ve Maneviyat, Başvuru Kaynakları, Siyaset, Felsefe ve Sosyal Bilimler, Sosyal Bilimler, Edebiyat ve Kurgu, Tarih ve Eleştiri.

Yazı, Araştırma ve Yayıncılık Rehberleri
Review of Biblical Literature 2017
Society of Biblical Literature
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Royal Hittite Instructions and Related Administrative Texts: 31 (Writings from the Ancient World)
Jared Miller
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Tarih ve Eleştiri
Theodore of Mopsuestia: Commentary on the Minor Pauline Epistles (Writings from the Greco-Roman World)
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Antik Uygarlıklar
Royal Hittite Instructions and Related Administrative Texts: 31 (Writings from the Ancient World)
Jared Miller
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Hristiyan Kitapları ve İncilleri
Discourse Analysis of Biblical Literature: What It Is and What It Offers (Society of Biblical Literature Semeia Studies)
Society of Biblical Literature
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Tarih ve Eleştiri
A Pseudo-Epiphanius Testimony Book (Texts and Translations)
Society of Biblical Literature
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Almanaklar ve Yıllık Değerlendirmeler
The Studia Philonica Annual XV, 2003
Society of Biblical Literature
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Din ve Maneviyat
From D to Q: A Study of Early Jewish Interpretations of Solomon's Dream at Gibeon (Society of Biblical Literature Monograph Series, Band 44)
David Mclain Carr
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Din ve Maneviyat
The Hasideans and the Origin of Pharisaism (Septuagint and Cognate Studies Series)
John Kampen
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Din ve Maneviyat
The Disposal of Impurity: Elimination Rites in the Bible and in Hittite and Mesopotamian Literature (Dissertation Series / Society of Biblical Literature)
David P. Wright
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Din ve Maneviyat
Centripetal and Centrifugal Structures in Biblical Poetry (The Society of Biblical Literature monograph series)
Daniel Grossberg
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Din ve Maneviyat
The Function of Apocalyptic and Wisdom Traditions in Romans 9-11 (Society of Biblical Literature Dissertation Series)
E. Elizabeth Johnson
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Sosyal Bilimler
Prophetic Conflict: Its Effect Upon Israelite Religion
James L. Crenshaw
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Sosyal Bilimler
Encounter with the Text: Form and History in the Hebrew Bible
Society of Biblical Literature
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Sosyal Bilimler
Ethnic Survival in America: An Ethnography of a Jewish Afternoon School
David Schoem
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Din ve Maneviyat
Paul and the Irony of Afflication (Philological Monographs of the American Philological Associa)
Karl A. Plank
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Din ve Maneviyat
Tannaitic Parallels to the Gospels (Journal of Biblical Literature. Monograph Series)
Morton Smith
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Din ve Maneviyat
Priest and Levite in Malachi (Society of Biblical Literature. Disseration Series; 121)
Julia M. O'Brien
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Ansiklopediler ve Ders Rehberleri
John T. Fitzgerald
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Tarih ve Eleştiri
The Apocalypse of Elijah
Society of Biblical Literature
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